Thursday, March 22, 2012

I've been on holiday with Mango at our spa, Just Like Home, with Lyn,  our  wonderful hostess, for the past 3 1/2 weeks while Mom and Dad are basking in the sun in Illinois at their prairie vacation home in the country.  Thor has been vacationing with his mom in Ft. Myers with Henry, also another Cavalier from Monique's, who now lives in Ft. Myer, FL.  They ran on the dog beach every day for two weeks! AND they swam in the Atlantic  every day.  Wow!  Mango and I run with 14 Cavaliers every day.  Are we busy!  And that little Chaser follows me wherever I go...he's quite a pal. Well, gotta go eat some chow!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Thor gets to have an MRI at a real people hospital in Corvallis this week.  They have been planning this for over a year.  He gets to be in a tunnel, sedated, and then when he comes out he will be a real person...that's what he told me.  Mom says that isn't true.  His mom said that they will find out why he limps.

Monday, February 20, 2012

We have Shelby at our house for a few days while her mom Anna gets some help from her
doctor so she can run around with Shelby better.  Shelby had a small seizure the other day but Dad held her and told her not to be frightened and then in a few minutes she was doing OK.  And then last night Dad surprised all of us by falling down the basement steps right into the room with his glass of pop and a box of crackers still in his hands.  This startled us up from our pre-bedtime nap.  Mom took over the situation and told him to take 3 Advil and ask her advice in the morning.  I don't know how people fall down steps...I never have. I think you are safer to come down steps on all fours and eat your snacks beforehand as soon as you even see them.  I do. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

We had a great time at Urban Fauna on Sunday.  Mom stayed too long so I had to stare at her.  She finally got it.  Thor was there.  Mango was kind of the princess and mom gave her a snack.  She said it was her noon
medication wrapped in a pill pocket but at home I always get a snack when Mango does. Geesh!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mango has been checked out (her annual checkup) by her neurologist surgeon, and she says 
that Mango's condition has not deteriorated this year (4th year since syringomyalia surgery)
And we will keep on with just the gabapentin capsules.  We are very happy about this. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Car Door and Greyhound (Lily the,)

Mom managed to have her finger smashed in the car door today. It just got squished, but she's sitting on the couch with us with a bag of frozen vegetables on it. I was not there when it happened, but it would have been very interesting to watch. I like to watch. I learn so much.

Mango was racing with our greyhound friend today at Banfield. She doesn't care if she can't run as fast. I just never understand how she often comes back with the tennis ball in her mouth...I know
that the greyhound got there before her. Her grandmother is from Austrailia, is 13 years old and in great physical shape and is a lot like Mango. Mary G. (her parent) says it must be that "dijereedo"
thing. ????

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


We are going to hear from Thor. He wants his input into this blog also, and well he should want this. We are going to be including him in our reports, and so he must be able to say things in his very own words. Welcome to the page, BroThor!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What we got for Christmas

Hi, I am Crispin, and my sister is Mango. We are sweet wonderful powerful strong athletic intelligent beautiful Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. I was born on Christmas Eve, so my mom has me give presents instead of receiving them. I don't get this, but I am glad that I do, because 4 years ago I presented my dad with a bouncing 9 month old puppy girl named Mango (adoption story to be told in future) And then not too long after that my Auntie M adopted my littermate, Thor. And one day we met our other litter mate Molly at a Cavalier gathering. I call my bro my BroThor because I am cool and so is he. I'm just trying out this new blog I've put together with the help of Google. I'll write more real soon.